2 Lines Romantic Shayari in Urdu For Lovers - Sad Poetry Urdu


2 Lines Romantic Shayari in Urdu For Lovers

Most romantic Urdu Shayari with images & Romantic Shayari by famous poets for poetry lovers. Nowadays everyone likes someone with their complete heart. You are one of them? then you should share romantic poetry in Urdu two lines with your loved ones.

The best section about romantic poetry in Urdu for lovers is it tells your beloved that you mind about him/her. The best relationships nowadays are those that mind each other and share every single feeling with their couple.

So if you desire to show your true emotions then you should share romantic Urdu poetry 2 lines with your lover. Romantic poetry is the most famous  Shayari between youthful twosomes. However, it should not end you from showing your love to your partner.

Romantic Shayari in Urdu For Lovers

2 Lines Romantic Shayari in Urdu For Lovers 2 Lines Romantic Shayari in Urdu For Lovers Reviewed by nina on December 06, 2018 Rating: 5

1 comment:

Syed Ali Hyder Shah said...

Hello Dear Friend I have read poetry from many sites like ishqurdupoetry.com for poetry lovers your website is perfect .I have shared it with my friends also .keep it up I really enjoyed it .

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